Friday, May 27, 2011

Causes of Rainforest Deforestation

Logging – Logging, the most obvious cause of deforestation, is basically straightforward clear-cutting of rainforests for no other reason than to use the wood for fuel, building, or exportation.

Agricultures-Cash Crops & Cattle Ranching – Native farmers will often clear large sections of forest in order to plant crops or graze cattle that will be shipped to first world countries, because this monoculture is more profitable in the short term However, the soil is not fertile enough to support this for long, and after it depletes in nutrients, new areas of forest must be cleared, leaving the old ones completely devoid of life.

Large Dams - Power companies in third-world will flood large sections of forest in order to harvest hydroelectric power to service the exploding populations of these countries, rather than using the existing power sources more efficiently.

Mining – Mining companies will clear rainforests in order to gain access to the minerals in the ground. Also, the roads built through the untouched rainforest still negatively impact the ecosystem, not to mention the deleterious effects of the air and water pollution from the mine itself.

Development and Overconsumption – As developed nations grow and begin to want more from this earth – more food, clothes, toys et cetera – the natural resources of the planet simply cannot keep up. This greed is one of the root causes of many problems, including deforestation.

Exploitation by Industrialized Countries-Industrialized countries rely heavily on resources they cannot produce themselves, however prices on the world market for third world exports are often low. Countries with rainforests are eager to gain all they can from their resources.

The Role of Poverty and Overpopulation- Overpopulation has increased demand on many goods derived from the rainforest, but people in industrialized nations can consume sixty times the resources as people elsewhere. Overconsumption is only partially caused by overpopulation and is the root cause.


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